Wednesday, October 14, 2009

chocolate cream cheese cake

It doesn't get any better than this! The best of both worlds; chocolate AND cheese cake...It was love at first bite.....

A lady from work gave me the recipe and I tried it this weekend. I have to say, the best chocolate cake I have ever had. Even I could not manage to mess it up, and believe you me, there were many chances where this recipe could have been sent straight to the trash can but to my surprise, the cake came out perfectly baked and moist. YUM! The icing....delish! it was like eating a silky creamy piece of chocolate. I gave a Big piece to my neighbor, but I admit it, it was "I" who did the most damage.....

But enough, here's the recipe:

1 box of chocolate cake mix (the one I tried was Pillsbury Devil's food cake, but you can use pretty much any brand)
Follow the directions on the box
2 Pkg (8oz ea) cream cheese
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/4 tsp. salt
Mix all together until smooth (there is really no exact science, you'll know when to stop)
Put half of the cake mix on bottom of 13"x 9" pan (I actually used a bunt cake mold).
Spoon on cream cheese filling.
Pour the remaining batter on top of the cream cheese filling.
Take a knife and swirl through like a marble cake.
Bake at 350 for about 35-45minutes (you know your oven best!)
Now for the piece of resistance......
Chocolate Fudge Butter Cream Frosting:
1/3 cup butter
1/8 tsp salt
3 squares 1oz ea. unsweetened chocolate melted
3-4 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup of milk (use a small can of canned evaporated milk instead for added silkiness)
1-1/2 tsp. vanilla
And enjoy!

1 comment:

Bloggermaniac said...

I want some! You will have to bake another one for me to try!